All animals deserve to live the life that God has planned for them; with dignity, respect, patience, commitment, and love. When you trust others to take exceptional care of your pets, you want someone with a gentle soul, positive energy, a kind heart and a spiritual connection who you can trust.
Pet Walking
Pet Walking Services are 20, 30, or 45 minutes in length and EVERY walking service includes fresh water and/or food topper, treats as requested, and of course love and kisses.
Pet Sitting
Offering "in-your-home" overnight or extended stay services. Clients include dogs, cats, birds, bunnies, guinea pigs, lizards, hamsters, and fish. Every type of client receives love and cuddles.
Indoor Pet Visits
Check-in "pet visit" services include placing fresh food and water, or perhaps a litter box scoop, and a supportive scratch or pat on the head; I learn your pets' care signs to support you!